Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two posts in two weeks. Yay me. I was excited to learn yesterday that my new dresser was ready for me to pick up. I got a call from the furniture store bright and early. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough cash or a car to pick it up so I'll have to wait until pay day. I'm also excited to say that I'm going on vacation! Every year in April my parents take trip to the Gulf of Mexico. They rent a condo and just relax for a week. We've been doing this since I was 10 years old and I'm 21 now. I haven't had the opportunity to go in 3 years but this year I'm taking the time off! I'll get out of work around 1am next Friday and we'll leave around 3am. I guess I'll be sleeping in the car. :p

The swap I recently joined has kicked my crafting butt into gear. I have the medium sized item completed, the small item ready to go and I just need some ideas for the large item. I have until May to send-out but I like having this reason to craft in my free time. I've been getting up earlier just to craft!

I'm also drafting a plan for a short-sleeved hoodie to take on vacation with me. I have about 8 days to finish it. I got the fabric a few months back in a remnants bin (over a 1yd in a remnants?!) and yesterday I picked up some matching knit and a separating zipper. I just have to find time between work and other obligations to get it started.

This is my post for the week. Now I'm off to my parents' to help my mom with some housework and hopefully I can squeeze in some time for a stop at the thrift store before work.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Back again...

I disappeared for awhile. Actually, in all honesty I forgot about this blog. I am making it my goal to try to write at least once a week though. Things have changed like crazy in the past few months. I quit school and took a job working full time managing my parents' restaurant. I can't say I absolutely love it but I don't mind it so much. The unfortunate thing about it is I'm left with little time for crafting. However I have two projects in mind so I am going to kick my but into gear and get started. First off, a quilt for my bedroom in my new apartment. My bedroom is currently, white and drab with little furniture and plenty of clothes strewn about. I'm in the process of buying a inexpensive bedroom set and making a quilt to match. Hopefully it turns out well. The second project is a fun, colorful, Jungle themed quilt for my niece's bedroom at her new house. She loves animals (mostly monkeys) and I found some amazing Alexander Henry fabric with lots of jungle animals that matches her new room. I need to get to work on that. I also need to construct a crafting corner in my living room. My first attempt ended badly with my gargantuous bottomed cat jumping on the shelving and causing a massive collision of shelves and monster holes in the walls. Not so good. Lastly is decorating my apartment to my taste. For the dining/living/kitchen area I'm going with a bright, retro feel. I have a few pieces of furniture already and just need to collect some more at local thrift stores. That's all for now. Hopefully more updates soon.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Life in General and Silver Lake 07

So much for posting more than once a week like I had planned. I have been weighing some hefty decisions in the last couple of weeks and trying to figure out my life. I think I have it figured out for the most part so far.

On another note, vacation begins tomorrow at 10AM. I am driving my dad's 1978 beast of a Ram Charger up to the sand dunes and we are partying for a week. I look forward to this every year. 30+ Family and friends, a whole lot of food and some great times.

Monday, July 23, 2007

First posts, Thrift Store Finds and Cameras.

In an attempt to sort out my wandering mind I've created this blog to begin posting in. My goal is to post at least 3-4 times a week. I am a college student going on 21 who loves to craft, sew, scrapbook etc. I love photography, music, reading and $3 movies at my local theater. I'm majoring in business at Western Michigan and hope to someday open my own local craft store. I currently work for my parents part-time at our family restaurant and take care of a darling 2 1/2 year old boy on Fridays. That is my life so-far in a nutshell. Now, onto my first post...
I, like most crafters, carry a love for thrift stores. Unfortunately we have a very limited selection in my town and I only make it thrift store shopping about once a month. Usually I'm looking for vintage cameras or fabrics. Sometimes I hit the jackpot (like with the $9 working manual typewriter I purchased several months ago). Today was not too great of a day for thrifting.

Thrift store finds: Approx. 1 yd of vintage fabric $0.40, Alice in Wonderland Record $0.15, and a vintage children's dress pattern $0.59.

As far as photography goes, I have recently acquired quite a collection of vintage cameras and accessories. My newest additions are a Minolta SLR from the 70's given to me by my great uncle. (I drove all the way from Michigan to Palm Desert CA to pick this baby up), a Canonette given to me by my aunt, and also a studio light bar that belonged to my grandfather and recently found its way out of storage.

Recently I went on a road trip out west to San Diego, CA and getting there was all the fun. Here is a link to the pictures from my trip: